Payment Options


You can now pre-pay for your services online!


Your Sugarista can take your card information or she can text you the payment link at the end of your appointment.

Note: there is a 3% processing fee added to each transaction.

Open your Venmo mobile application. Click the button to send money. Enter the total amount. Include the tip amount in the “What’s if for?” section.

Sign in to your banking mobile application. Click Zelle. Send the total amount to Neugolca at (405) 215 - 8325. Include the tip amount in the “Add Message” section.

Cancelation Policy

24-hour notice for cancellation and changes.

Please be on time. Life happens, so when it does, contact me ASAP if you cannot make an appointment.

50% of the cost of service will be charged if you reschedule the day of the service.

100% of services will be charged if you are a no show or if you reschedule the day of the service and have multiple services.


Thank you for booking with Sugar Me Suite!